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Priceless Award

We’re incredibly grateful to UPECO for their outstanding support. After a disastrous experience with our first accounting agency that nearly sank our business, they stepped in and guided us through every challenge. Their swift communication, thorough answers, and punctual deliverables have given us total peace of mind (even from 2500 km away). We’ve always felt we could rely on them, and we wholeheartedly recommend their services.

Kiki Kaloudi



Accounting Firm

Λογιστικές υπηρεσίες στην Αγγλία

UPECO is a London based company with premium level of services in Accounting and Financial Advisory. 

One of the key points that underline the level of company's professionalism and know how, is the use of top 'FinTech'.

Λογιστικό γραφείο στο Λονδίνο, Αγγλία. Σύστασης εταιρείας & Λογιστικές υπηρεσίες στην Αγγλία. Λογιστικό γραφείο στο Λονδίνο, Αγγλία. Έλληνας λογιστής στο Λονδίνο, Αγγλία, Μάντσεστερ

Accountant in London

Online Account

Track your financial position and more in real-time! Stay informed anytime and anywhere. Tax status, cash flow statements and predictions, financial indicators, balance sheets, profit and loss statements, statistics, and more data are available to our clients in real-time.

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